Arrived in Phnom Penh

Greg, Marti, Martha, and Karl arrived in Phnom Penh after about 7 hours in a taxi. The trip was uneventful, and we enjoyed watching the scenery go by. The land is beautiful with rice fields, people working in the fields with tractors and oxen, houses on stilts, ox-carts carrying loads down the highway, and vehicles piled high with all types of cargo that doesn't look like it belongs there. Driving is a bit faster than feels safe. The stripe down the middle of the road is mostly there to tell you what side of the road you're on.

We had dinner with Dave & Chris Manfred and daughters Janell and Jenna. It was great to see them again, and they helped us with some of the logistics of our upcoming travels.

Tomorrow we visit Rescue Orphanage in the morning, and have lunch there with Marie Ens. In the afternoon we'll visit with Martin & Judy Johns to learn about the New Hope Schools ministry among the Vietnamese in Phnom Penh. On Saturday we'll take a long busride to Mondulkiri province to visit Joyce Johns there for a few days.


  1. Wish I were there with you! Endure and enjoy, my friends!Our prayers continue with you. --Liz

  2. Christine & Dan JensenJuly 30, 2010 at 3:52 PM

    Oh how I am missing Cambodia!! So glad that all is well! Keep up the wonderful work of the Lord! "You Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep your purpose firm and put their trust in you" Isaiah 26:3
